
Hi, I’m Megan, and I love to eat.

I have eaten my way around much of Europe and the United States, some of Mexico, and a little chunk of Canada.  After a year as an ex-pat in Edinburgh, Scotland, I have relocated to Nashville, Tennessee with my husband, Peter, and our beagle, Bono.  We chose the name Bono for our dog because the name suited him, not because we are die-hard U2 fans.  Although, we do like U2.  And I don’t care to hear your opinion on their music simply because I’ve told you our dog’s name is Bono, no more than I care to hear your opinion on the Roman Catholic Church’s understanding of apostolic succession simply because I’ve told you that my husband’s name is Peter.  But this is all beside the point.

Look!  Aren’t they cute?!

Mealtimes are the highlight of my day, as are snack-times and any-and-all-other-times I am eating.  But moving to a new city poses some challenges to these highlights, as I navigate my way around the good, the bad, and the ugly of the Nashville cuisine scene.  Join me in my culinary journey, won’t you?

Hi, I’m Courtney.

I used to take delicious food for granted. Then in August of 2009 I discovered I was gluten-intolerant.  Tasty food was no longer so easy to come by.  This is me with my first gluten-free birthday cake.

I take good food for granted no longer.

I am a new Nashvillian and a former Midwesterner with a deep and abiding love of baked goods, Christian ministry, travel, and reading anything I can get in my hands. You’ll often find me at the Nashville zoo (great for people watching) or at Fiddlecakes bakery (Nashville’s own gluten-free treat-fest!).  I’m committed to finding delicious and creative food that is also 100% gluten-free. In short, I plan to keep living my life with joy and spontaneity, despite what can be an inconvenient ailment, and I’m excited to be able to share my gf-Nashville dining experiences with all of you.

I’m married to a brilliant Los Angeles native named Daryl, who loves books, me, and the UCLA Bruins (though hopefully not in that order), and we have two fat and lazy cats named Eliot (a la T.S.) and Kenny (no, that’s not a South Park reference).

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